The Future of Mortgage Interest Rates: What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond



The Federal Reserve’s stance on interest rates has a significant impact on the mortgage market. As we approach 2024, there is growing speculation about the future of mortgage interest rates. Will they continue to rise, stabilize, or decline? In this article, we will explore various expert opinions and forecasts to gain insights into what to expect for mortgage interest rates in the coming years.

The Current State of Interest Rates

To understand the potential trajectory of mortgage interest rates, it is essential to assess the current state of interest rates. The Federal Reserve has been on an aggressive rate hike campaign over the past few years, aiming to combat rising inflation. However, recent data suggests that inflation is receding, which has led to speculation about a potential shift in the Fed’s interest rate policy.

Fed’s Forecasts for 2024

According to Goldman Sachs and Barclays, the Federal Reserve is likely to pencil in just two quarter-point rate cuts in 2024. This projection aligns with the Fed’s forecast from September, which initially assumed there would be a final hike in the current month. The Fed’s intention is to prevent talk about rate cuts and push back against market forecasts that anticipate more aggressive rate cuts.


The Fed will only change interest rates twice by a quarter of a percentage point in 2024. This prediction is consistent with the Fed’s forecast from September, which initially assumed there would be an eventual interest rate hike. Current month. The Fed’s intention is to prevent talk of interest rate cuts and respond to market expectations that expect more aggressive interest rate cuts.

Factors Influencing Mortgage Interest Rates

Several factors influence mortgage interest rates, including inflation, economic growth, and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy. Let’s delve into each of these factors to gain a better understanding of how they might shape mortgage interest rates in 2024 and beyond.

Inflation Trends and Projections

Inflation plays a crucial role in determining mortgage interest rates. As inflation rises, lenders demand higher interest rates to compensate for the eroding purchasing power of money over time. Conversely, when inflation is low or falling, lenders may be more inclined to offer lower interest rates to borrowers.

In 2023, inflation has shown signs of slowing down. Consumer prices rose 3.2% annually in October, down from a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022. Core prices, which exclude volatile food and energy costs, also experienced a slight decrease, advancing 4% yearly.

Goldman Sachs predicts that the Federal Reserve will slightly lower its forecast for its preferred inflation measure, called PCE, to 2.5% by the end of next year. This projection suggests that inflation may continue to decrease or stabilize, which could potentially lead to lower mortgage interest rates.


Economic Growth and Job Market

The performance of the economy and the job market is another crucial factor in determining mortgage interest rates. Economic growth and job gains influence consumer confidence, income levels, and the overall demand for housing.

While the economy is projected to expand at a less than 2% pace in the final months of 2023 and in 2024, job gains and pay increases are moderating. Despite this moderation, job gains and solid pay increases provide some reassurance to the Federal Reserve that there won’t be a sudden spike in wages that reignites inflation.

The Fed’s confidence in the job market and economic growth can impact its decision on interest rates. If the economy continues to show resilience and job gains remain solid, the Fed may be more inclined to maintain or even raise interest rates to prevent any potential inflationary pressures.

Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy

The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, particularly its key short-term interest rate, directly influences mortgage interest rates. The Fed’s rate hikes over the past few years have increased borrowing costs, including mortgage rates. However, as inflation recedes and market expectations shift, the Fed may consider adjusting its monetary policy.

While markets anticipate four to five quarter-point rate cuts in 2024, Goldman Sachs and Barclays predict that the Fed will only pencil in two rate cuts. The Fed aims to prevent talk about rate cuts and push back against market forecasts that anticipate more aggressive rate cuts. Fed Chair Jerome Powell has repeatedly stated that it is premature to discuss rate decreases, emphasizing the need to ensure that inflation hits its 2% target and stays there.

Forecasts for Mortgage Interest Rates in 2024

Given the various factors influencing mortgage interest rates, experts have offered their forecasts for the trajectory of these rates in 2024. While there is some divergence in opinions, the general consensus suggests a potential decline in mortgage interest rates.

Goldman Sachs and Barclays believe that the Fed won’t start cutting its key rate until the second half of next year, with two rate cuts expected. This projection aligns with their belief that inflation is falling closer to the Fed’s 2% goal.

The decline in inflation, along with the anticipated moderation in economic growth, may provide the Fed with the confidence to lower interest rates. However, it is important to note that there are risks that inflation could surge again or remain stubbornly high, which could impact the path of mortgage interest rates.

Implications for Borrowers and Homebuyers

The potential decline in mortgage interest rates in 2024 could have significant implications for borrowers and homebuyers. Lower interest rates can make homeownership more affordable and potentially attract more buyers to the market.

If the Fed cuts short-term rates next year, we can expect some reduction in mortgage rates as well. This presents an opportunity for borrowers to secure favorable terms on their mortgage loans. However, borrowers should also consider the overall economic conditions and their personal financial situations before making any decisions.

For individuals looking to purchase a home, declining mortgage interest rates can increase affordability. As rates potentially decrease, it may be advantageous to lock in a mortgage at a lower rate before rates start to rise again.


While the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy and economic indicators shape the trajectory of mortgage interest rates, forecasting the exact path remains challenging. The consensus among experts suggests a potential decline in mortgage interest rates in 2024, driven by factors such as receding inflation and moderation in economic growth. However, it is crucial to closely monitor economic trends, inflationary pressures, and the Federal Reserve’s actions to gain a more accurate understanding of the future of mortgage interest rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. It is always advisable to consult with a qualified financial professional before making any financial decisions.

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